File fhSQL - Examples

Read SQLite Database

-- Testing fhSQL Example using SQLite3 require("fhSQL") local db = fhSQL.connectSQLite("d:\\temp\\test.sql") db:execute("create table test (name char(30), phone char(20))") db:execute("insert into test values ('Bill Gates', '666-6666')") db:execute("insert into test values ('Paul Allen', '606-0606')") db:execute("insert into test values ('George Bush', '123-4567')") local people = db:select("select * from test ") for person in people:rows() do print(tostring("\t"..tostring( end db:execute("drop table test") db:close() collectgarbage()

Read Legacy Database

-- Read Individual Record Table from Legacy require("fhSQL") local dbfile = "d:\\work\\Legacy Family Tree\\Data\\Sample.fdb" local db = fhSQL.connect("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="..dbfile) local statement = [[select * from tblIR]] local tables = db:select(statement) for table in tables:rows() do for k,v in pairs(table) do print(k,v) end end db:close() collectgarbage()

Read TMG Database

-- Read Research Log Record Table from TMG require("fhSQL") local dbfile = "D:\\temp\\gedcom\\Projects\\Sample" -- Note this is the folder containing the database local db = fhSQL.connect("Provider=VFPOLEDB.1;Data Source="..dbfile) local statement = [[select * from sample_l]] local tables = db:select(statement) for table in tables:rows() do for k,v in pairs(table) do print(k,v) end end db:close() collectgarbage()


For more connection string examples please see Connection