Find all the citations to a Source and list the items below using a result window.
* Citation
* Record
* Fact
* Entry Date
* Where within source
* Text From Source
* Quality Assessment
* Note
Download List All Citations for a Selected Source V1.6
- Family Historian Version(s): V5 V6 V7
- Plugin Type: Standard
- Written by Jane Taubman
- View Source Code
- Downloaded 2,342 times
- No additional help available
Version History
V1.1 Added Progress Bar and Citation Column.
V1.2 Updated the Progress Bar to the latest code and added a more detailed Progress Message
V1.3 Reduced the number of times the progress bar is updated and added warning for very large numbers of links
V1.4 Add a description field for the Field Type and re-arrange the columns so item shows before citation.
V1.5 Added Columns for the note and the quality assessment to the result set.
V1.6 Change versions sequence.
Extremely useful. Repeated use of View > Record Links… was very tedious and even a Fact query couldn’t find them all, even if fully iterated.
A very useful plugin! Especially if you leave Automatic Source Citation on by mistake.
Very useful for checking multiple links to a source.
At last! a report for those of us who shunned the “new source for every citation” method. Thank you.
A really useful Plugin. Thank you Jane.
Just a little wish list item – is it possible to show information stored in the “Notes” field? Other fields such as “Text from Source” are able to be viewed but I can’t seem to be able to view anything written in the “Notes” field.
TIA Judith
This is a very useful plugin that allows users to evaluate en masse all the data that appears in the source pane for all the citations for a specified source. A very valuable addition to FH.
Thanks so much for adding a view to the “Notes” field. This is an excellent Plugin and my grateful thanks to Jane.
Annoyed no longer.
Thanks Jane.
My must-have tool! Thank you Jane.
Very nice plugin! A tip: the title of the plugin is not shown when I hover over the query window tag.