Lookup Missing Census Facts

Offers ways of looking up missing Census Records for the UK, USA, Ireland, Canada, Australia, Germany, Denmark & Norway via online websites.

Supports Ancestry, FindMyPast, FamilySearch, and MyHeritage online research websites.

Individual facts, Family facts, Witnessed facts, and various other factors are taken into consideration.

Estimated BMD dates are used, where none are recorded. Women’s married names are used where the Census is after the marriage date (or after the birth of the first child).

See the Help & Advice for details.

For further support please post in the Family Historian User Group forums or Family Historian at Groups.io email where the plugin author will answer your questions which can be supplemented with screenshots if necessary.

Download Lookup Missing Census Facts V5.0

Version History

  • V5.0: Fix current family spouse maiden name error; Update library modules to V3.4;
  • V4.9: Fix the bug in deciding if each person is at home or abroad on Census dates;
    Fix name formatting bug in Result Set; Add Deutschland, Danmark & Norge to Locale;
  • V4.8: Witnessed facts are now included via INDI.~SHAR[i]> shortcuts;
  • V4.7: Updated library modules; Updated all website URL; Added UK 1921, USA 1950, Denmark and Norway census searches;
  • V4.6: Updated for new FamilySearch URL formats;
  • V4.5: Updated library modules; FH V7 Lua 3.5 IUP 3.28 compatible; Exclude “string quoted” place names;
  • V4.4: Updated library module for EstimatedDeathDates();
  • V4.3: Adds reviews of Census Records for Germany and Norway but without online searches, improves the check for whether each person was at home or abroad on missing Census dates, caters for polygamous relationships when assigning married surnames & spouses in web site searches, adds the Redisplay the Last Lookup Page button, and redesigned to cope with large Project databases and rectify performance issues;
  • V4.2: Adds searches for FamilySearch and MyHeritage web sites, fixes Ancestry search codes, plus other minor improvements.
  • V4.1: Lets fragmentary Census collections be excluded, lets people with too few Name parts be skipped, adds useful Result Set columns, plus other minor improvements.
  • V4.0: Now also checks the Family facts such as Census (family), internally sorts facts by Date in case they are out-of-sequence after updates, Census Place names matching is case-insensitive and leading & trailing space tolerant, adds the [Record Id] to the Individual in the Lookup Web Page heading, and the sorting of Date columns in the Lookup Web Page that was broken is now mended.
  • V3.9: Adds England & Wales 1939 Register, and fixes minor issues with some Other household members included in Searches.
  • V3.8: Removes “new.” from “findmypast.co.uk” web address, reinstates V3.5 updates.
  • V3.7: Fix possible HTML/URL encoding issues.
  • V3.6: Supports FH V6 IUP 3.11.2 Unicode characters.
  • V3.5: Minimum Age threshold to exclude children from web search, and a few Census Records added.
  • V3.4: Reinstate women’s husband’s surnames upset by V3.3.
  • V3.3: Adds Irish Census fragments & better search web page.
  • V3.2: Uses A-Z of Record Sets search mode on FindMyPast websites, and improves search filters on all websites.
  • V3.1: Supports new.findmypast.co.uk and revised World Search mode.
  • V3.0: Detects people abroad rather than missing for a Census. Copes with countries that held a Census in same year but on different dates.
  • V2.9: Adds Canada 1921 Census, and minor GUI updates.
  • V2.8: Uses original Surname of single parent mothers, and fixes Family Date error.
  • V2.7: Revises FindMyPast online searches, and applies birth dates with offsets in many more cases, using estimated dates where necessary.
  • V2.6: Supports all FindMyPast websites, and manages .css & .js files better.
  • V2.5: First public version.

6 thoughts on “Lookup Missing Census Facts”

  1. I find this plug in very useful but not as flexible as I would like. I have tried saving it into Excel but because some of the rows are double I cannot sort the output as not all cells on a column are the same size.. What I would like is to be able to select individual years so that I can concentrate on one census at a time. At the moment I cannot easily see the wood from the trees.

  2. Hi Pentris, you could sort the web page into date order by clicking on the ancestry or findmypast column headings, and scroll down to the year of interest.

  3. Hi Mike, I’ve just reinstalled this on a v5 FH running as a gedcom file not project but when I run it i get an error
    \plugins\Look up missing census facts fh_lua.394:stack overflow. no changes have been made to data records.
    Any thoughts?

    • Sorry about that Nick. It would be easier to diagnose if you posted in the FHUG Plugin Discussions forum.
      It is tricky to diagnose as I no longer have FH V5 and rarely use GEDCOM Standalone mode.
      What is the full error message and traceback?
      Did the plugin run OK previously and only since reinstallation (perhaps updated from V4.6 to V4.7) raises that error?
      Does it run OK when used in a Project?
      Presumably, the error is reported even before the plugin dialogue window opens.
      What is the full file path to the standalone GEDCOM file?
      Does that path include any accented foreign characters, which are known to fail at that point in FH V6?

    • I am surprised it is too wide unless you have set a rather large font in your browser.
      It tries to automatically adapt the width of the columns to fit in as much as possible on narrow screens.
      Do you need the lookup columns for all of Ancestry, Findmypast, Family Search, and My Heritage?
      If not then disable the ones not required in the initial plugin dialogue options to reduce the width.

      It would be better to post such enquiries in the FHUG Forum (https://www.fhug.org.uk/forum/) for Plugin Technical Support & Development.

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