This plug in copies any Gedcom 5,5,1 Longitude and Latitude values from Event Place fields to Place records. Note it overwrites any existing values for Fact places which have values. It is mainly used when moving from programs such as Family Tree Maker which store the values against the fact when the Gedcom is created.
If there are different values with the same place name the last one found will be the one which is used. Examples from FTM have never shown this to occur.
Download Migrate Place Long Lat to Place Records V1.1
- Family Historian Version(s): V6 V7
- Plugin Type: Standard
- Written by Jane Taubman
- View Source Code
- Downloaded 168 times
- No additional help available
Version History
1.1 Fix V7 support
i get the message:
41) attempt to index nil value (global arg) no changes made
I migrate from TMG and need this plugin badly.
can you pls help me?
Please try version 1.1
I have downloaded this several times into FHv7 and press the ‘Run’ but nothing happens. I use TMG and FHv7 puts all the latitude and longitude coordinates tacked onto the ‘Places’ and I would like this great time-saver plugin to make my life easier to bulk move everything to the correct FH field for coordinates. Can you check if it is functioning correctly with the latest FH version. I tried a few other plugins and they work fine. Thank you.